Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I was reading a news article on a current research finding that even short lasting experiences were likely to provide greater happiness than purchase of material goods.Watching a movie, visit to a coffee shop or a day-out could be more invigorating,make you feel more alive and above all add to the 'memory capital'- memories that could be cherished in tranquility.

I did'nt need researchers to tell me this. For me,this was quite obvious and,though such experiences also come at a cost,cheaper.I think this is true for most others ,except some having a pathologically acquisitive temperament.If one needs any confirmation,one just has to hop across to the nearest shopping mall and watch hundreds of young people , some not so young, moving around more for the experience or the possibility of one, than for buying anything.I am sure some do buy goods otherwise the malls would cease to exist,but I am just giving the general picture.

It has always been true for books.It is not only invigorating but more profitable to read one than buy it.I am sure this principle was known to book lovers much before Mark Twain announced it to the world.

I was however wondering about the scientists who were engaged in this momentous piece of research.Poor fellows obviously had nothing else to do.No movies to watch,no books to borrow.no picnics to go to. But they have indeed come out with a new word,at least for me,- 'memory capital'. When all other forms of capital are getting eroded in the worst ever recession in my lifetime - it is a pretty long one - memory capital remains in tact and in fact can be made to grow. Through short lasting experiences maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Warm welcome to the Blogger's World.I have no option but to remember this day.According to official records I was born on this day in 1949.
